Thursday, February 24, 2011

An Appetizer of Oscar Picks

While the bulk of my "big category" Oscar picks will appear in tomorrow's Union-Tribune, AOL City's Best asked me -- along with San Diego City Beat Film Editor Anders Wright and KPBS Film Critic Beth Accomando--for my opinion on Best Picture, Actor, Actress and Original Screenplay winners.

The three of us are nothing if not entirely consistent in our opinions. Could this mean I might actually have a good showing on my Oscar ballot? Well, I couldn't do any worse than last year! (Thankfully those predictions are lost in the ether, but let's just say I was all about "Avatar.")

Here's the City's Best story by Jennifer Kester.

I'll post my expanded U-T picks tomorrow and, hopefully, a comprehensive list of my predictions (guesses?) in all categories before the Sunday ceremonies. Go Franco!


  1. Nice job! We're in sync with our picks as well ... these Oscars are gonna be boring, aren't they?

  2. Are you sure that you, Anders, and Beth aren't "Oscar-fixing"? At least you'll have company if you have any misses.
